Archives for posts with tag: blogs

Wonder Woman

For our new years resolutions, J and I are going to commit to being healthier. Our approaches are extremely different, but we’re both hoping for the same outcome.

Here’s J’s plan:

1. Cut down on pizza. Load up on Subway.

2. Go to the gym a lot and get super muscle-y.

3. Do this to the extreme for 3+ months. Um, not sure what the plan is after that…

4. By 2014, be James Bond.


Here’s my plan:

1. Add more fruits and veggies to my diet. Use my NEW JUICER (WOOT WOOT) to help me accomplish this.

2. Cook at home more. Less sodium and sugar, more whole grains!

3. Exercise every day (every other day?), alternating between weight lifting and cardio.

4. By 2014, be Wonder Woman.


My plan is clearly the more long-term oriented one, but also the more expensive and time consuming one. WHO WILL COME UP ON TOP?

To help keep me motivated, I loaded my Google Reader up with a few new blogs, including…


Nerd Fitness

You had me at “nerd.”

It’s a fun, uplifting kind of site that takes fitness and health, but not itself, very seriously.


The Kitchn

I’m no Rachel Ray. I don’t have a signature meal, I tend to burn recipes and I never remember where anything is at the grocery store since I rarely go.

I’ve never really followed food blogs before, but I’m desperate for healthy, cheap recipes and don’t want to put in a whole lot of effort looking for them. So I’m starting with one of the biggest blogs around, and from there I hope to branch out. It’s a sister site of Apartment Therapy, which lead me to all the current interior design blogs I currently read (and I stopped reading Apartment Therapy – ha) so hopefully the trend will continue


I’m also open to any and all suggestions!

What’s your favorite food/fitness/inspirational/nerdy blog?

At my job my new assignment is to find blogs who might want to review our products, so I’ve been trolling the web looking at various home improvement/ home design blogs.


I pretty much do that on my own time, and now I’m getting paid for it. Woo!

(Side note: I also just discovered Pinterest, because apparently I’ve been living in a cave!).

So, in honor of MY new honor, here’s one of my favorite blogs:




this is what their home looks like now

What it’s all about after the jump…

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